Messy Church comes to Spaldwick

Have you heard of “Messy Church?” It’s a phenomenon that has been sweeping though the country over recent years – and it’s coming to Spaldwick! For the past half century churches have tried to offer “family services,” but these have tended to be just a simplified form of Sunday worship. Messy Church starts from a different point: it can be on a Sunday but could equally be a weekday early evening or a Saturday morning; the focus is on the Bible but the exploration is through creative work; and the session involves the whole family, not just the children. Food is usually involved, and this gives every session something of a party atmosphere. We’ve earmarked the afternoon of the second Sunday of each month for Spaldwick’s Messy Church, and we’d like to invite everyone (with or without children) to our first two exploratory sessions on July 10th and August 14th See our website for updates ( and take a look at the national Messy Church website