
The village of Brington is a small and friendly village that has benefitted from the recent expansion brought about by the new development at The Green and Hill Place, and the addition of some further new housing in the last few years along its High Street. This brings the total number of homes in the village to around 100.

Coffee Morning
Coffee morning in the re-modelled church

All Saints Church itself is a small, much loved and well-maintained building dating back to the 12th century with later embellishments and additions. A re-ordering of the interior took place in 2019 with the aid of some local grant funding, in order to provide a community space for the benefit of the village as a whole. The most recent quinquennial inspection has given the church a relatively clean bill of health, but the work to maintain and preserve it is constantly ongoing.

We hold twice-yearly church and churchyard clean-ups (with bacon rolls and tea supplied) which are well-supported by local people of all ages.


Christmas concert
Christmas concert in Brington

We use the church as much as possible for community and civic events, including Mums and Tots (every Wednesday between 10 a.m. and midday), pop-up coffee mornings, book club, music concerts, craft fairs, theatrical events, and Christmas sing-alongs. It is also used for Parish Council meetings and as a local polling station. The church is well-heated, and benefits from an eco-loo.  The church is available to the public to book for events, and we are grateful to our neighbours who permit the use of adjacent land for parking by prior arrangement. Enquiries should be directed to the churchwardens: Christine Eggleston 01832 710423 or Marion Palmann 01843 710598.

Fundraising is an integral and popular part of church life, creating social events and village gatherings.



Holy communion is held at Brington on the First Sunday of each month. The times of our services may vary but can be found here.

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Remembrance in Brington

 We hold weddings, Christenings and funeral services, and special services for the children of Brington School. Services are well-attended and occasional services such as Good Friday, Maundy Thursday, Easter, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas attract larger congregations. We are fortunate to have a very good quality electric organ installed in the choir (and a very talented organist) to support our worship and church music.

We have four bells in our tower. They are in good condition and are regularly rung by a small group of ringers from the benefice.

The church is served by a modern rectory which is due to become the home of a ‘House for Duty’ priest in 2025 who will offer further support in our parishes.Brington Map