Category: Uncategorised

APCMs around the Benefice

don't forget
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) for all of our parishes will be held over the next few weeks as follows:

St Andrew’s, Kimbolton: Sunday 11 April at 12pm, in St Andrew’s church

All Saints, Tilbrook: Tuesday 13 April at 7pm

St Botolph’s, Stow Longa: Sunday 18 April at 4pm

All Saints, Covington: Tuesday 20 April at 7.30pm (both APCM and PCC meeting)

St Giles, Barham: Wednesday 21 April at 7.30pm

All who are on the church electoral role are welcome to attend.

Making an Easter Garden

Hello everyone

As an invitation to join in the Easter Celebrations, Nora is here to show us how to make an Easter Garden.

Why not do this together or bring your garden to show at one of our Easter Services?

Some services for your diary are:

Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service

6:00 a.m.  at Tilbrook

Holy Communion

9:30 a.m.  at Spaldwick

10:45 a.m. at Kimbolton

Family Service: Easter Gardens and Easter Eggs

4:00 p.m. at Kimbolton