Category: Uncategorised

Harvest gifts

Harvest festivals will be held throughout the benefice as listed here. Gifts of fresh fruit and vegetables received in Kimbolton will be donated to the hospice at Moggerhanger; tinned and dried goods will be given to the St Neots food bank. The food bank particularly needs:

  • long life fruit juice
  • pasta sauce
  • tinned fruit
  • long life milk
  • tinned meat
  • tinned rice pudding
  • tinned custard
  • tea bags (80s)
  • long grain rice
  • chocolate biscuits e.g. KitKat
  • sponge puddings
  • jam

Thank you for all your donations.

Harvest lunches


This will be held on  Sunday 6 October, in the Mandeville Hall., after the 10.45 harvest service.  Tickets are available from Mavis, or from the Flower Shop (£8 each).


Tilbrook’s harvest meal will be on Saturday 5 October – service at 5pm, followed by a meal in the village hall.


The harvest service will be held on Sunday 13 October at 6pm, and followed by a meal in the George.