Category: All

Posts with relevance to the whole benefice

What really is a Christian?

We’re having a think today about what it really means to be a Christian.

Is it about being a “good” person?  Maybe.

Is it about believing in Jesus?  Kind of.

Is it about going to church?  Well, only if going to the cinema makes you a movie.

I’m not persuaded we actually know what “makes” us a christian, so I thought I’d outline the key meaning.


Parish giving: how to help during coronavirus

photo of British coins

It seems inevitable that our churches are likely to remain closed for quite some time yet and this will be having an effect upon your church’s cash flow.

If you make donations via the envelope scheme, you will (hopefully!) be collecting quite a backlog of filled envelopes, ready for when your church reopens, but this does not help us meet our ongoing financial demands. This may also be a drain on your precious cash resources at a time when we are discouraged from going out to the bank, post office etc. and cash machines only dispense quite large value notes. Continue reading

Bible study groups: note change of date

Stop press: For Philip’s sermon on Jeremiah 8 from Sunday 22 Sept CLICK HERE

There will be two Bible study groups starting again in the week beginning 8 September, at different venues in Tilbrook and Kimbolton.  The idea is that we’ll all study the same topic, so that will allow people to go to one of the other groups if they’re unable to go to their “usual” evening.  The topic will be confirmed later – watch this space.

Venues are as follows:

Tuesday, 7.30pm, Kimbolton, at Daphne’s
Thursday, 7.45pm, Kimbolton, at Ann B’s

Forthcoming events: Mossy Church and book sale

St Andrew’s Lych Gate Book Bazaar – will be running in Kimbolton for a trial period in August.  Saturdays 10, 17, 24 and 31 August after 10am.  Paperbacks will be 50p; hardbacks from £1.

Mossy Church Sunday 18 August, 3pm in Duchess’s Walk – bring a picnic tea!