Sunday 29 July: united service at Tilbrook

Sunday 29 July is the fifth Sunday in July, so all seven parishes (Barham, Covington, Easton, Kimbolton, Spaldwick, Stow Longa and Tilbrook) will join together in one service at Tilbrook at 10.45am, with the Benefice Choir singing an anthem (if you can sing, we’d love to see you in the Benefice choir!)

EACH: our chosen charity for July and August

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices care for children and young people with life-threatening conditions.  They also support the whole family.  The support and care may be given in one of the three hospices or delivered in the home. Volunteers are also available to help with the domestic chores – washing, ironing etc.

The hospices are happy, fun places allowing families to make the most of their precious time together while receiving care and comfort.

EACH has to generate most of its own income, so fundraising is vital. There will be a display in Church for the two months; please look at the literature and donate if you feel able.

Thank you