Fundraising for Flycatchers

Sunday 27 May, 2.30, Brook House, Easton

Easton, Barham and Stow Longa have produced seven broods of spotted flycatchers in the past two years, but numbers are declining nationally. The British Trust for Ornithology are researching their migration to help future conservation action and have found that these Cambridgeshire birds overwinter in Angola – making a 14000 km journey.
Come to Brook House, Easton for a talk from the BTO in the church, followed by a strawberry tea in the garden. If the birds have taken up their usual nesting site by then, they should be visible from the lawn!

Tickets £7.50 (children free) from Brian and Beth Davis
Brook House, Easton, PE28 0TU; 01480 890625

Summer Song

We are delighted to welcome the Huntingdon Male Voice Choir to St Andrew’s, Kimbolton, for a concert on Saturday 19 May at 7.30pm.

Special guests Kate Woolf (soprano) and Paul Bryan (piano)

Tickets £12 (concessions £10) and further information from


Mossy Church Rogation Sunday walk, 6th May

This is a short walk around Kimbolton, stopping at intervals for hymns and prayers, when we ask for God’s blessings for a plentiful harvest and for those who work to produce our food.  We meet at the lychgate at St Andrew’s, Kimbolton, to leave at 10.45.

Everyone is welcome, especially children, though it can be a bit muddy if the weather has been wet so please wear suitable footwear!

See the Diary page for more information.