School Choir to sing evensong

On Sunday May 1st we welcome the Kimbolton School Chamber Choir to St Andrew’s Kimbolton for a special choral evensong.  The canticles will be those set by Murrill in E, and the anthem Thou, O God, art praised in Zion by Malcolm Boyle.

Cell Groups expand

With the success of the burgeoning housegroup meeting in Kimbolton, we have now launched our new Cell Group programme. The one overflowing housegroup has become three cells, two meeting on a Thursday evening and another now on Wednesday evenings. Already there is interest being expressed in the other villages, with two new groups being actively considered. Exciting times! For more information about the programme, contact the Rector.

Ash Wednesday 2016

This year Ash Wednesday falls on 10th February. There will be two services in the benefice, both at Kimbolton. At 10.30 am our usual midweek prayer-book communion will incorporate the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes; and then at 7.30 pm there will be a choral Eucharist with ashing.

Christmas Services 2015

Saturday 12th December
17.00            TILBROOK Carol Service / Christingle / Crib Service

Friday 18th December
19.30             BARHAM Carol Service

Saturday 19th December
15.00            STOW LONGA Carol Service

Sunday 20th December (Advent 4)
16.30            COVINGTON Carol Service
18.00            EASTON Carol Service
18.00            KIMBOLTON Carol Service

Tuesday 22nd December
19.00            SPALDWICK Carol Party

Thursday 24th December Christmas Eve
16.00            SPALDWICK Crib Service
23.30            SPALDWICK Midnight Communion
23.30            KIMBOLTON Midnight Communion

Friday 25th December Christmas Day
09.30            COVINGTON Christmas Day Communion
09.30            EASTON Christmas Day Communion
09.30            STOW LONGA   Christmas Day Communion
10.00            TILBROOK Christmas Family Service
10.45            KIMBOLTON Christmas Family Communion
11.00            BARHAM Christmas Day Communion