From Russia with “Love Russia”!

Lesley has now returned from her week in Camp Elana with the charity Love Russia. She wants to than everyone who supported her, through prayer and through material help.

She took photographs, and would like to invite everyone to the Rectory on Wednesday 26th August at 7.00 pm to see these and hear all about the camp and what it is doing for the disadvantaged mothers and children who go there. Cheese and wine too!


Ascension Day Service

Thursday 14th May is Ascension Day. There will be a South Leightonstone Group Eucharist at Tilbrook All Saints at 7.30pm, followed by a ‘bring-and-share’ nibbles and drinks (provided) at the new Rectory next door. All very welcome.


Jimmy’s in church next week!

Jimmy’s – our Tuesday morning group for pre-schoolers and carers – usually meets in the Community Room at Spaldwick Primary School, but next week (12th May 2015) the room is being used by the school for SAT tests. So on this occasion we are going to meet in St James’ Church. Usual time, 09.00 through until 10.00

An Encouraging Ash Wednesday

There were two services in the benefice on Ash Wednesday (18th Feb) – at 10.30 am in Kimbolton and at 19.30 in Spaldwick. Both were very well attended, and were opportunities to receive both holy communion and the ‘imposition of ashes.’

At the evening service the benefice choir was the largest turnout ever, with over twenty voices; and six out of seven of our parishes were represented in the whole congregation.