Cursillo gathering at Ely

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The procession starts to form up outside Ely St Marys
Can you spot the Kym Valley contingent?

“Cursillistas” (people who have been on a three-day Cursillo weekend) gathered at St Mary’s in Ely on Saturday 15th June for the first ever “Regional Ultreya.” Pilgrims from our own diocese were joined by others from St Albans, Peterborough, Norwich and St Edmondsbury and Ipswich; and some from further afield – Canterbury and St Asaph in Wales. After a bring-and-share lunch there was a colourful procession with banners led by Bishop Stephen to the Cathedral Ladychapel for a celebration Eucharist at which the Bishop presided and preached.

The word ‘Ultreya’ derives from the Spanish roots of Cursillo and means simply ‘Persevere!’ or ‘Onward!’  The story is that pilgrims nearing the destination of Santiago di Compostella would meet returning pilgrims on the way (the ‘Camino’) who would encourage them with shouts of ‘Ultreya!’

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Gathering for worship in the Cathedral Ladychapel

Diocesan Ultreyas are held in various venues across Ely diocese every few weeks, where cursillistas meet for worship, discussion and mutual encouragement. You can find out more about the Cursillo movement, including how to get involved, on the Ely Cursillo website or the national British Anglican Cursillo Council website at

Covington Compline

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Covington welcomed the Kym Valley Benefice Choir on Friday 14th June at 7.30pm to lead us in a service of compline, sung to original plainsong music. The wonderful acoustic of All Saints’ Church and the monastic purity of the music gave a powerful dimension to this occasional office. Choir members from three out of four of our benefice churches tackled the psalms and chants – quite different from our more usual more modern repertoire. It’s not often in a service that the traditional evening hymn “The day thou gavest” is the most modern piece in the service!  The choir also sang the Thomas Attwood anthem “Come, Holy Ghost.”

Housegroups restart this week

Both of our home study groups re-convene this week – Wednesday 5th June at Kimbolton Vicarage, and Thursday 6th June in Tilbrook Church, both at 7.30pm. We are beginning a six-week unit entitled “Led by the Spirit.” (coursebooks available)

All are very welcome to attend either group. No need to book, just turn up.


Last call for Ely coach!

A reminder that there is no service in the benefice on June 30th (a fifth Sunday) but a coach trip is going to Ely Cathedral for the morning service at which our new Curate Nikki Bland is to be ordained by the Bishop.

The coach leaves Robinson’s Garage at 8.30 am. If you want a place on the bus you need to book with Daphne Durrant before June 9th.