Last call for Ely coach!

A reminder that there is no service in the benefice on June 30th (a fifth Sunday) but a coach trip is going to Ely Cathedral for the morning service at which our new Curate Nikki Bland is to be ordained by the Bishop.

The coach leaves Robinson’s Garage at 8.30 am. If you want a place on the bus you need to book with Daphne Durrant before June 9th.

Compline at Covington

The mid-June service at Covington won’t be on Sunday 16th, it will be a Compline on Friday 14th at 7.30pm

This reflective and evocative late service of the monastic day is growing in popularity, and has been an irregular feature of the Covington calendar for some time. This will be the first time that the service has been a choral one, with the newly formed Benefice Choir.

If you are interested in singing with us, contact the Vicar.


To Russia with love?

Russia 024At the Family Service 10.45 June 2nd at Kimbolton we look forward to hearing about Lesley Bowring’s forthcoming trip to Russia with ‘Love Russia’ where she will be using her skills as a nurse by working with disabled children on Summer camp.


New Stow Longa “Messy” Service

Making things...
Making things at Springwatch

Following the recent ‘Springwatch’ evening the PCC have decided to change the schedule of regular services at St. Botolph’s to include a monthly ‘Messy Church’ service on the second Sunday of each month, at 3.30pm in winter and 6.00pm in summer.

On June 9th 2013 at 6.00pm we’ll be celebrating our ‘patronal festival’ (St Botolph’s Day is June 17th) with a lively service and a bring and share tea. All welcome!Typical British BBQ weather...

Typical British BBQ weather…