
What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults, work to prevent abuse from occurring, seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.

The Church of England affirms the ‘Whole Church’ approach to safeguarding. This means all Church bodies, Church Officers and everyone associated with the Church, who comes into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults has a role to play.

The Church will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all and to practice fully and positively Christ’s Ministry towards children, young people and vulnerable adults; to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm.

Safeguarding policy

Our Joint Council and all PCCs have adopted the Church of England’s policy “Promoting a Safer Church”. You can download that policy here:  Promoting a Safer Church

Policies, Procedures and Parish Safeguarding Resources can be found on the Diocese of Ely Website.
The Safeguarding pages have been comprehensively updated in the Policy and Guidance section.
Go to:

Who to contact

If you have any safeguarding concerns you can speak to the Parish Safeguarding Officer for the relevant parishes.

For The Leightonstone Churches Joint Council and the parishes of Spaldwick, Stow Longa, Covington, Keyston, Bythorn, Molesworth, Brington, Catworth, Leighton Bromswold the Parish Safeguarding Officer is:  Nicola Matthews – 07968 724487 email:

For Barham – Antoinette King – 01480 891596

For Easton – Julia Cox – 01480 896652

For Kimbolton – Moreblessings Mawema – 07586 928450 or

For Tilbrook – Terry Rees – 01480 509043 email:

For a range of advisers within Ely Diocese  – for details please click here.