Sermons and Homilies
What’s a Sermon for?
The sermon is a key part of our worship and engagement with Jesus as we gather together. It’s an opportunity for us to reflect, be encouraged, challenged and educated, and done well will draw us closer to God, feeding us for the next week’s travel. But they are often forgotten! So here we have some resources to help keep the Word of God alive in you.
Our Home Grown Sermons
If a sermon is worth preaching, it may be worth hearing again, so we have our own YouTube channel for you to explore.
There’s material that goes right back to Lockdown! And even some whole acts of worship for you to enjoy (or cringe about)
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron is a Catholic Bishop in the USA. His ability to capture and convey the riches of Scripture in a way that is deeply connected to real life is a joy. He shares short homilies that convey depths and insights that will keep you coming back for more.
You can find him on Spotify, other podcast platforms, or on YouTube.