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St Lawrence, Bythorn


Church Warden: Jon Croke   Tel: 07837 619808 Email:  jon@Bythorn.Com 

Treasurer: Janet Churcher

Secretary:  Jo Tondeur

Tower Captain (Bells): Steve Jennings


The church is usually open during working hours (incl weekends).  Key holders are Jon Croke and Steve Jennings


There is a service generally on the third Sunday of each month at 6pm.  Festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest will have a service.  Other more informal services are held from time to time.  The church has a modern, and very nice, pipe organ and we try to get an organist for the main services.  The general character of services tends to be informal, and there is often a gathering after the service for refreshments.


Bythorn is a lively and sociable village.  Many activities centre on the Village Hall, and the church maintains good relationships with the Hall, often using both the Hall and the Church together for shared facilities.. 


The church is located in the centre of the village.

WhatThreeWords:  ///

Google Maps:           Church of St Lawrence, Bythorn

Parking is limited, and can be found to the East of the church in Main Street and near the village green in School Lane.  Note that Church Lane (to the West of the church) is only a footpath.

The church has no kitchen or toilets.  (These can be made available in the Village Hall for weddings etc).