Vocation and Service

Growing in Vocation and Service

Growing in vocation and service is an essential part of growing in faith. As St James says: “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26).

So an essential part of our growing in believing, is to grow in doing. 

At a simple level, why not approach Revd Philip or a member of the ministry team to explore what you might do for Jesus?

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If you have a real itch to serve in a new way, Ely Diocese has a range of flexible learning opportunities to become a licensed minister or simply to learn and know more. Check out their website here.


You could also explore Anglican Cursillo. This is a movement of the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.

A Cursillo weekend normally runs from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon, with talks on some of the main areas of the Christian faith, together with times of worship, discussion and reflection.

For more information see the main Cursillo website or the introductory video here.

For more local info see Ely Cursillo where you may recognise one or two of the people in the photos!  Or you can talk to any of the Cursillistas in the benefice, including

Fiona McCullough and John Fells
Jen Forester (BACC rep)
Keith and Rosamund Nancekievill
Helen Saxton